Trio 1724 | Villa For Forest
This Trio is radical free improvising, intense “in-moment-impro”.
They are also recording music, but it actual is a live-experience.
Baseicly they are working as a trio, but also inviteing musicians, dancers, painters or any other artists to joy in here and there, for a spontanius improvisation. whenever, whereever they go.
was born in Győr, northwest Hungary. She studied aesthetics and philpsophy at the ELTE University’s liberal arts department. She placed in the finals in the first national Jazz Violin Competition held by the Hungarian Radio in 2006, where she won the Audience Prize. She has been playing with her band Santa Diver (a violin-bass-drum trio) since 2006, they gave concerts on the Mediawave – and Ultrahang – Sziget Festivals, Budapest Mol Jazz Festival, Jazz Showcase at the Palace of Arts and at the Hungarian Cultural Centers in Paris and Brussels.
She is in more genres like jazz, free improvisation, pop and fusion. She played with several bands and musicians like Free Style Chamber Orchestra, Nigun, Zoltán Lantos, Csaba Deseő, Frigyes Pleszkán, Special Providence, Ágnes, Tereskova, Erik Truffaz, Laurent Blondiau, Valerie June, Trio1724 (H-PL-A), Alexander Balanescu. Since 2010 she’s been a member of Varga János Project, beside of these bands she gives solo concerts and playes in different theater productions.
EMIL GROSS „El Milio the Stick“
the young multiinstrumentalist and drumming breeze from Austria, actively at home in the tension area between funk, drum&bass, stoner rock, free forms, rock steady, blues and maroccan music.
He‘s based in Vienna (Austria), where he is doing his teaching, studiowork and work as a guitarist. Beside this, he is working on/in his studio or as a organizer and eventtechnician in several organisations and festivals.
2017, he will release his first Solo Album.
since 2004 professional guitarist who collaborated with different artists in
various environments. He graduated as a master of arts the most famous Jazz Academy
in Poland. Likes to improvise free but also, with his trio 100nka plays through diverse
styles grounded in jazz and infuenced by the eminences of the genre. He often treats his
instrument in uncommon way trying to fnd new dimension of the guitar’s sound boosting
that with manifold effects and techniques.
He is a member of polish famous hip-hop band.
Also played with: Herb Robertson, Viktor Tóth, Ágoston Béla, Antoni Gralak, Mikołaj Trzaska and many others.