Vito Vičar 4tet – Villa For Forest

Datum: Di, 26.11.2019 um 20:00
Veranstalter: Verein Innenhofkultur
Ort: Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt

Vito Vičar - guitar
Hue Blanes - piano
Peter Smrdel - double bass
Žiga Smrdel - drums
Eintritt: € 12 | StudentInnen € 6
Verein Innenhofkultur | Villa For Forest | Kooperationspartner Riedergarten

“Vito Vičar 4tet” is a newly formed international jazz ensemble that has developed out of pure musical enthusiasm and uncompromising passion for music.
Four jazz artists have decided to create their own musical style that resonates with the current modern jazz scene and at the same time includes the complementary patterns of etno-folk, classical and popular music. The outcome of such crossing is music, that is experimental, energetic and full of life – creating fusion and uniqueness in voice.

All the performed compositions have been written by Vito Vičar – Slovenian jazz guitar player/ composer, that is currently living in The Hague (NL). The defining feature of his music is warm, human-like complexity, driven by personal experience and emotion.

Vito will be accompanied by wonderful quartet members Hue Blanes – piano (Australia), Peter Smrdel – double bass (Slovenia) and Žiga Smrdel – drums (Slovenia).
The concert is the premiere of a 2-month tour that will end in the winter of 2019 in Slovenia.


am Mi, 20.11.2024 um 08:00

NEW ADITS 2024 | Villa For Forest & Markuskirche (Altkatholische Kirche)

Villa For Forest, Viktringer Ring 21, Klagenfurt NEW ADITS 2024 wird vom 20. bis 23. November 2024 stattfinden.
Hauptspielort: Villa For Forest
Aussenstelle: Markuskirche (Altkatholische Kirche)
Bitte klicken Sie die einzelnen acts für Detailinformationen an.

Eintritt (Je nach Ihrem/Deinem Budget):
4-Tagespass von € 70,- bis € 35,-
3-Tagespass von € 50,- bis € 25,-
2-Tagespass von € 40,- bis € 20,-
Tageskarte von € 20,- bis € 15,-

Reservierungen & Kartenkauf:, SMS, Whatsapp, +43 676 9732222,
+43 660 2303282,
Zahlung auf AT532070600000128058